Would you be upset if someone left an old worn out mattress in your front yard? Recently we have been finding large and difficult to properly dispose of trash items along the shoulders and intersections of the Panhandle Pathway. These items include, but are not limited to used tires, old mattresses and junk appliances, damaged furniture and clothing. These worthless items are difficult to move and expensive to properly dispose of.

We often have visitors to the Panhandle from out of state locations and we receive many positive comments about the beauty of our trail and the surrounding area. They express interest in coming back again to visit.
Please help us. If you see an item along the trail, please report it as soon as possible to the local authorities or notify the Panhandle Pathway through our website: panhandlepathway.org. If you see someone dropping off trash, please take note and provide the specific time and location, vehicle description and, if possible, the license plate number.
Thank you for your help.
John Bawcum