Arrow Head Country RC&D serves a 10 county region dedicated to promoting conservation, development and utilization of natural resources, improving the general level of economic activity, and enhancing the environment and standard of living in designated RC&D areas. The organization awarded grant funds to a variety of local organizations to support various projects that support their mission.
The Pulaski County Tribe is the grateful recipient of a $2,500 grant for the continuation of the Art in the Park project. The grant funds were presented to members of PCT on March 23, 2023.
In 2021 Pulaski County Tribe initiated a multi-phase community enhancement effort to revitalize the
area on the west side of the swinging bridge at the Winamac Town Park. Phase 1 included:
● Aesthetic improvements to the historic artesian well structure.
● Installation of an interpretive sign featuring the history of the artesian well.
● Installation of two bench swings.
● Installation of permanent art exhibits.
● A free public event featuring hands-on activities and highlighting newly installed artwork.
● Placement of two small murals on the fence of the pickleball court.
● Plants along the pickleball court fence, around trees, and around one of the bench swings.
PCT is now ready to pursue phase 2 efforts to continue enhancing the area for the enjoyment of Pulaski County community members and guests. Enhancement efforts include the cultivation of a pollinator garden, tree planting, and the incorporation of art components.
Pulaski County Tribe is a non-profit organization in Pulaski County. Their mission is to communicate,
collaborate, and celebrate among all communities in Pulaski County for the greater good of residents
and guests. The organization serves as a channel that brings together organizations, businesses, and
residents to positively impact communities in Pulaski County. You can learn more about PCT at
www.pulaskicountytribe.com. To contact the organization, you can email pulaskicountytribe@gmail.com.